
Poor social skills may be harmful to health

Those who struggle in social situations may be at greater risk for mental and physical health problems, according to a new study from the University of Arizona.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds that experiences of daily stress decrease as people age

Stories about how daily stress can negatively impact people's lives, from physical health to mental and emotional well-being, are frequently in the media. But there is good news about the experience of daily stress as people ...


Review addresses chest pain in young adults presenting to ER

(HealthDay)—For young adults presenting to the emergency department with acute chest pain, after ruling out cardiac risk, physicians should focus on stress reaction, according to a review published in the March issue of ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

For older adults, sense of control tied to feeling younger

A recent study finds that older adults feel younger when they feel that they have more control over their daily lives, regardless of stress or health concerns. However, stress and health—not a sense of control—play a ...


Child neglect linked to teen pregnancy

Children who experience neglect are seven times more likely than other abuse victims to have a teen pregnancy say University of Queensland researchers.


TV viewing, exercise habits may significantly affect sperm count

Men's sperm quality may be significantly affected by their levels of physical activity, according to a new study led by researchers at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). They found that healthy young men who were sedentary, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dog-assisted interventions lead to lower stress levels in children

Dog-assisted interventions can lead to significantly lower stress in children both with and without special needs, according to a new study using salivary cortisol levels published this week in the open-access journal PLOS ...

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