Oncology & Cancer

Spirituality can promote the health of breast cancer survivors

Throughout her 20-year career as a nurse practitioner, Jennifer Hulett noticed survivors of breast cancer would often express gratitude for being alive and mention God or a divine acknowledgement that had improved their health ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pandemic family stress leads to sleep problems for boys

Lockdowns and economic stress have contributed to the rise of child abuse and neglectful parenting behaviors during the pandemic, with an increase in family violence reported in multiple studies.


Dietary PA/OA fat ratio may affect T2DM risk in women only

(HealthDay)—A diet low in palmitic acid (PA) and high in oleic acid (OA) improves insulin sensitivity and is associated with lower levels of markers of metabolic and oxidative stress in women only, according to a study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can short-term stress make the body and mind more resilient?

Ancient practices like tai chi and yoga have long focused on breathing as a way to control the body's energies, and in recent years, they've been touted as antidotes to the stress of modern life. But can simply inhaling and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stress-busting tips from experts

(HealthDay)—Nobody is immune from the negative health effects of stress. The good news is that staying active is a natural and effective way to reduce stress and avoid related issues like weight fluctuations, nausea and ...

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