
How to prevent common spring injuries

With spring in full bloom, warm weather and an increase in outdoor activities, the risk of injury also increases. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or want to enjoy more daily movement in your routine, injuries can impact ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Repeated exposure to traumatic images may be harmful to health

(Medical Xpress)—Repeated exposure to violent images from the terrorist attacks of Sept ember 11 and the Iraq War led to an increase in physical and psychological ailments in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults, ...


How to protect yourself from wildfire smoke

The wildfire haze that is turning air quality in New England hazardous and New York City skies orange is an unusual event for the East Coast of the U.S.—but it may not be for long.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Need to reduce work-related stress? It's a walk in the park

Work causes so much stress that it's become a global public health issue. The impact of stress on mental and physical health can also hurt productivity and result in economic loss. A new study now finds that working people ...

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