
How to relieve a stress headache

You had a rough day at work and got stuck in traffic on the way home, and suddenly your head starts pounding.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research into pet ownership during COVID

La Trobe University researchers have conducted an Australian-first survey about families with children and pets during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Exercise shields children from stress

Exercise may play a key role in helping children cope with stressful situations, according to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM).

Psychology & Psychiatry

For the sake of your heart, cut down on the news

With a pandemic that is still raging and threats of violence leading up to President-Elect Joe Biden's inauguration, Americans are likely feeling even more stress than they felt in an American Psychological Association study ...

Medical research

Could alpha-Klotho be a potential biomarker of stress?

Stress affects both mental and physical health. Although stress is known as one of the major risk factors of health disorders in modern society, a biomarker of stress has not yet been well established. In a study published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

4 ways pets are good for your health and well-being

Many pet owners have found support from their pets throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and there's science to back up the physical and mental health benefits to pet companionship. The American Heart Association, a global force ...

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