Psychology & Psychiatry

Mother's stress affects the baby through amniotic fluid

If the mother is stressed over a longer period of time during pregnancy, the concentration of stress hormones in amniotic fluid rises, as proven by an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Zurich. Short-term ...


How exercise reduces cataract risk

Chinese and Australian researchers have combined studies of more than 170,000 people and found conclusive evidence that regular physical exercise reduces the risk of age-related cataracts, the cause of blindness in an estimated ...

Oncology & Cancer

Exercise improves quality of life during breast cancer treatment

Women undergoing treatment for breast cancer might fight off distressing side effects and improve psychological well-being by staying off the couch. According to the University of Miami (UM) study, women who are physically ...


Your office may be affecting your health

Workers in open office seating had less daytime stress and greater daytime activity levels compared to workers in private offices and cubicles, according to new research led by the University of Arizona.


Are ACL tears really more common in women?

It may be hard to remember a time when it was uncommon for girls and women to play competitive sports, but it's not exactly ancient history. The 1972 passage of Title IX, which mandated equal access for women to participate ...

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