
Concussion and its consequences

Professor Inga Koerte uses advanced medical imaging to study the immediate and long-term effects of repetitive head trauma on the brains of football players. In the following interview, she discusses her findings and their ...


AAP offers guidance for infectious disease in sports

(HealthDay)—Participation in organized sports can potentially expose athletes to infectious diseases, with major risk factors including skin-to-skin contact, environmental exposures and physical trauma, and sharing of equipment, ...


Brain healing after injury given a natural boost

We may be able to kick-start healing after a traumatic brain injury by boosting levels of a protein made naturally within the brain, according to new research conducted at the University of Adelaide.


PTSD raises odds of heart attack and stroke in women

Women with elevated symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder consistent with the clinical threshold for the disorder had 60 percent higher rates of having a heart attack or stroke compared with women who never experienced ...

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