
Using a CBD product? Be sure to tell your doctor

Cannabinoid products may interfere with some prescription medications, so people who use them should add these to the list of supplements they tell their doctors about.

Medical economics

Q&A: A fourth of US health visits now delivered by non-physicians

The proportion of health care visits delivered by nurse practitioners and physician assistants in the US is increasing rapidly and now accounts for a quarter of all health care visits, according to a study published Sept. ...

Medical research

Study finds movies underrepresent women in the role of physicians

U.S. movies perpetuate gender stereotypes in the medical field, found researchers co-led by Reshma Jagsi, MD, DPhil, of Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. Their study examined the portrayal of women as physicians ...


What physicians get wrong about the risks of being overweight

Based on cues she'd picked up from popular culture and public health guidance, Stanford Medicine statistician Maya Mathur, Ph.D., had always assumed that being overweight decreases lifespans. She was surprised, then, to come ...

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