
Team discovers potential new way to treat anxiety

Chemically modified inhibitors of the COX-2 enzyme relieve anxiety behaviors in mice by activating natural "endocannabinoids" without gastrointestinal side effects, Vanderbilt University scientists will report next week.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Being bullied can cause PTSD in children, study finds

(Medical Xpress)—Problems caused by bullying do not necessarily cease when the abuse stops. Recent research at the Universitiy of Stavanger (UiS) and Bergen's Center for Crisis Psychology in Norway shows that victims may ...


Detox diets don't work, expert says

Detox diets are just another weight loss wonder, says Flinders University's Head of Human Physiology, Professor Simon Brookes.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How chronic stress short-circuits parenting

In the best of circumstances, raising a toddler is a daunting undertaking. But parents under long-term stress often find it particularly challenging to tap into the patience, responsiveness, and energy required for effective ...

Attention deficit disorders

Research shows how ritalin affects brains of kids with ADHD

(HealthDay)—Ritalin activates specific areas of the brain in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), mimicking the brain activity of children without the condition, a new review says.

Overweight & Obesity

Researchers target gut bacteria to reduce weight gain

A new therapy that involves engineered gut bacteria may one day help reduce the health problems that come with obesity. Incorporating the engineered bacteria into the guts of mice both kept them from gaining weight and protected ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Negative stereotypes about the poor hurt their health

(Medical Xpress) -- Adolescents who grow up in poverty are more likely to report being treated unfairly, and this perception of discrimination is related to harmful changes in physical health, reports a new Cornell study ...

Medical research

Dietary supplement could improve heart health

Dietary intervention could benefit heart health in those with muscular dystrophy. That's according to new research published in Experimental Physiology. If these findings are confirmed in humans, it could mean that off the ...

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