
Remixed brain waves reveal soundtrack of the human brain

Scientists have combined and translated two kinds of brain wave recordings into music, transforming one recording (EEG) to create the pitch and duration of a note, and the other (fMRI) to control the intensity of the music. ...


Brain cells identified for regulation of sleep-wake rhythm

A research team of the Center for Brain Research at the Medical University of Vienna has identified a specific cell group in the brain responsible for shifts in the sleep-wake rhythm caused by psychostimulants. A molecularly-defined ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Voting causes stress: study

As the United States nears another election day, researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) have determined scientifically, for the first time, that voting is a stressful event, inducing measurable hormonal changes.

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Model recreates wear and tear of osteoarthritis

(Medical Xpress)—There's a reason osteoarthritis is often called wear-and-tear arthritis: Repeated stress on joints over time results in degeneration of the soft cartilage that normally distributes loads to the joints.

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