
The brain concentrates on the objective

Which is more important when we plan an action: the overarching goal or the approach along the way? Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig have discovered that we initially ...


Study gives clue as to how notes are played on the genetic piano

Japanese and U.S. scientists in the young field of epigenetics Thursday reported a rationale as to how specific genes are silenced and others are not. Because this effect can be reversed, it may be possible to devise therapies ...


Neuronal processes involved in musical interactions

Making music together is a unique challenge: Not only must a musician plan and execute the sounds made by their own instrument, but they have to coordinate their actions with those of others. This is an extraordinary accomplishment ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why does performance deteriorate under pressure?

Experts such as pianists, athletes and surgeons acquire their skills through extensive practice. However, the neurophysiological and psychological mechanisms that underlie the problem of making mistakes due to psychological ...

Medical research

Biological mechanisms behind skillful piano fingering

Dr. Masato Hirano of Sony Computer Science Laboratories and his colleagues have discovered a sensorimotor function integration mechanism that enables skillful fingering by pianists.