Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleepovers with stuffed animals help children learn to read

Sending stuffed animals for a sleepover at the library encourages children to read with them, even long after the sleepover took place, say researchers in a new study in Heliyon. For the first time, the study proves stuffed ...


Children's books may boost appetite for unhealthy food

Reading picture books aloud remains a cherished ritual of childhood – one enjoyed by adults and children alike, whether at bedtime, in pre-school, or during story hour at the public library.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Enhanced dating site photos have mixed results for men and women

Dating apps like Tinder offer a quick look at a potential connection, with a simple swipe to either decline or accept the potential match. The stakes are high for putting the right picture in your profile. But does putting ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How our emotions transform mundane events into strong memories

Human beings are information seekers. We are constantly taking in details – big and small – from our environment. But the majority of the stuff we encounter in a given day we rarely need to remember. For instance, what ...


Philippines may soon make smoking warnings graphic (Update)

A Philippine legislative committee approved a bill on Tuesday that would compel cigarette manufacturers to print illustrations of smoking hazards on cigarette packs to curb smoking in a country where tens of thousands die ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How Instagram can ruin your dinner

Warning Instagrammers: you might want to stop taking so many pictures of your food. New research out of Brigham Young University finds that looking at too many pictures of food can actually make it less enjoyable to eat.


The numbers tell it: Screen violence still popular

Screen violence remains a big hit with the public, despite calls for the entertainment industry to tone it down in the aftermath of the mass shootings at Aurora, Colo., Newtown, Conn, and elsewhere in the U.S. during the ...

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