Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Focused ultrasound shows promise for treating Parkinson's tremor

An initial test to determine if a scalpel-free form of brain surgery can reduce tremor caused by Parkinson's disease has produced encouraging results. Further research is warranted, the researchers conclude in a paper published ...


Even open-label placebos work—if they are explained

For some medical complaints, open-label placebos work just as well as deceptive ones. As psychologists from the University of Basel and Harvard Medical School report in the journal Pain, the accompanying rationale plays an ...


Pain, emotions and the placebo effect

In a pioneering study, researchers at the University of Luxembourg used fMRI technology to show that a person's ability to reinterpret negative events and to control feelings influences how strongly a placebo will work to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New study rebuts the claim that antidepressants do not work

A theory that has gained considerable attention in international media, including Newsweek and the CBS broadcast 60 minutes, suggests that antidepressant drugs such as the SSRIs do not exert any actual antidepressant effect. ...


Placebo effective despite intellectual disability

Contrary to earlier beliefs, people with severe congenital intellectual disability are sensitive to placebo-like effects, new research from Karolinska Institutet shows, published in the scientific journal Neurology. The results ...


Statins don't cause muscle pain: study

Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs may have been wrongly blamed for muscle pain and weakness, said a study Wednesday that pointed the finger at a psychological phenomenon called the "nocebo" effect.


The placebo effect can mend a broken heart too, study shows

Feeling heartbroken from a recent breakup? Just believing you're doing something to help yourself get over your ex can influence brain regions associated with emotional regulation and lessen the perception of pain.

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