Obstetrics & gynaecology

Looking for an ob/gyn? Here's how

It's important to find the right OB-GYN to guide you through some of life's greatest joys and troubles.

Medical economics

Opinion: Physician payments should work toward health equity

The current physician payment system does not adequately address the socioeconomic factors that impact patients' health outcomes, says the American College of Physicians (ACP) in a new position paper published today in the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Many who attempt suicide not getting the care they need

(HealthDay)—About 4 in 10 Americans who attempt suicide don't get mental health care, claims a new study that also found a "substantial and alarming increase" in suicide attempts.


Middlemen net more than half of insulin expenditures, study finds

Despite its discovery nearly 100 years ago, insulin's list price has been going up, not down, with trade secrets and other protections preventing researchers from pinpointing who is receiving profits from its sale.  Meanwhile, ...

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