Medical research

How blood group O protects against malaria

It has long been known that people with blood type O are protected from dying of severe malaria. In a study published in Nature Medicine, a team of Scandinavian scientists explains the mechanisms behind the protection that ...

Medical research

Malaria's key to the liver uncovered

Scientists uncover a port of liver entry for malaria parasites in a report published in The Journal of Experimental Medicine. If these results hold up in humans, drugs that target this entry protein might help prevent the ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Malaria parasites hide out in humans when it's not mosquito season

Malaria parasites survive the mosquito-free dry season by waiting silently in humans for the return of the rainy season that brings back with it mosquitoes. New research, by an international team including Penn State scientists, ...


Malaria risk reduced by genetic predisposition for cell suicide

A human genetic variant associated with an almost 30 percent reduced risk of developing severe malaria has been identified. Scientists from the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM), Hamburg, and Kumasi ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Unconventional T cells promote immunity to malaria

Monash University's Biomedicine Discovery Institute researchers have made a vital breakthrough in the understanding of a new facet of the immune response to malaria, which will help in the development of a vaccine.

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