
Enter the 'Brotox' era

(HealthDay) -- The public's common image of a Botox patient is a middle-aged woman hoping to look more youthful through the minimally invasive procedure.


Breast reconstruction after cancer using abdominal tissue

In addition to being faced with the diagnosis of breast cancer, many women also are faced with making several important decisions, including whether to have breast reconstruction surgery. According to a plastic surgeon who ...


Surgeons separate California conjoined twins

(AP) -- Twin 2-year-old girls who were joined at the chest and abdomen were separated Tuesday during a lengthy, complex procedure at Stanford University's children's hospital.


What's on your surgeon's playlist?

Music and medicine are deeply connected. But is operating to music a good idea? And, if so, what kind of music should theatre staff be listening to?


In Brazil, patients risk everything for the 'right to beauty'

In the U.S., if you want a face lift or a tummy tuck, it's generally assumed that you'll be paying out of pocket. Insurance will tend to cover plastic surgery only when the surgery is deemed "medically necessary" and not ...

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