
Using "pain sketches" to optimize migraine surgery outcomes

"Can you draw me a picture of your headache?" may sound like an unusual question—but drawings of headache pain provide plastic surgeons with valuable information on which patients are more or less likely to benefit from ...


Titanium rings proving problematic for emergency care doctors

Rings made of titanium—an increasingly popular alternative to gold and silver—are giving emergency doctors a headache because they are so difficult to prize off swollen fingers, reveals a case study published online in ...


Thinking about weight-loss surgery? 4 things to consider

Anyone who's struggled with reaching or maintaining a healthy weight probably has heard comments like, "If you want to lose weight, just eat less and exercise more" or "Losing weight is all about willpower." But weight loss ...


Lasers deemed highly effective treatment for excessive scars

Current laser therapy approaches are effective for treating excessive scars resulting from abnormal wound healing, concludes a special topic paper in the December issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official ...

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