
Plastic surgeons often miss patients' mental disorders

(HealthDay)—Nearly one in 10 patients seeking facial plastic surgery suffers from a mental illness that distorts their perception of physical defects, but doctors often don't spot the problem, new research suggests.

Medical research

The tale of the bats, dark matter and a plastic surgeon

What happens when a plastic surgeon meets a bat expert zoologist and a paleobiologist? No, it's not a strange Halloween story about spooky bat dinosaurs but rather, a story about a new discovery about bats which may unlock ...


Breast reconstruction after cancer using abdominal tissue

In addition to being faced with the diagnosis of breast cancer, many women also are faced with making several important decisions, including whether to have breast reconstruction surgery. According to a plastic surgeon who ...


Titanium rings proving problematic for emergency care doctors

Rings made of titanium—an increasingly popular alternative to gold and silver—are giving emergency doctors a headache because they are so difficult to prize off swollen fingers, reveals a case study published online in ...


Cosmetic surgery leads to possible pain relief from migraines

Bryan Kirsch knew something was wrong when the stairs moved. After roughhousing with his children in 2011, he was walking upstairs with one when, he remembered, "I look up the stairs, and the whole world is spinning."

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