Psychology & Psychiatry

Why make-believe play is an important part of childhood development

Visit any preschool classroom during free play and you will likely see a child pretending to be someone else. Make-believe play is a ubiquitous part of early childhood. And beyond being fun for kids, pretending and other ...


Give your kids a healthy start to life

Every parent wants a healthy child and two world leading researchers from Deakin University's Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research (C-PAN) say the key is healthy eating and active play, right from the start.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Two-year-olds with poor language skills fall behind at play

While 70% of 2-year-olds with normal language development function well when playing with other children, only 11% of 2-year-olds with poor language skills manage to play with others. Children with poor language skills also ...

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