Psychology & Psychiatry

Study: Children need self-regulation to learn

A considerable amount of development takes places in the brains of young children. Children experience a steep increase in their cognitive skills—including self-regulation—at an early age. What exactly is self-regulation? ...


If in doubt, let them out: Children have the right to play

New research from Statistics Canada's Canadian Health Measures Survey reaffirmed the dramatic decline in Canadian children's fitness seen over the past 35 years—with only one-third of Canadian school-aged children meeting ...

Medical research

Biological mechanisms behind skillful piano fingering

Dr. Masato Hirano of Sony Computer Science Laboratories and his colleagues have discovered a sensorimotor function integration mechanism that enables skillful fingering by pianists.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How social media altered the good parenting ideal

Social media has altered perceptions of what good parenting is and may play a role in the reduction in the amount of time kids spend just playing, according to a University of Alberta study.

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