
Do video games drive obesity?

A chubby teen lolling on the sofa for hours on end, the game controller in one hand, a bag of crisps at his side and a bottle of coke on the coffee table. This is the mental picture many people have of the typical gamer. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How fathers, children should spend time together

As men everywhere brace for an onslaught of ties, tools, wallets and novelty socks gifted for Father's Day, here are two questions fathers of young children should ask themselves: What activities are best for bonding with ...

Medical research

Study looks at app for parents of premature babies

Being a new parent of a newborn admitted to a neonatal unit is stressful and challenging. A mobile health app designed to inform and support parents with babies in neonatal care is the focus of a Massey University clinical ...


Why kids should be encouraged to play more than one sport

While many parents are heeding the advice of experts and resisting the urge to have their kids focus exclusively on one sport too early in life, a University of Alberta professor who specializes in youth development is advising ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Lure of the 'loot box' looks a lot like gambling

An increasingly popular feature of modern video games is attracting gamers who share the beliefs and behaviours of problem gamblers, new UBC research has found.

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