Medical research

Purified pituitary tissue generated from stem cells

Researchers have successfully converted human pluripotent stem cells into purified pituitary cells that aggregated into hormone-secreting organoids. As reported June 8 in the journal Stem Cell Reports, transplantation of ...


Researchers create breakthrough in vascularized heart organoids

An Australian research team led by QIMR Berghofer has succeeded in introducing a vascular system into tiny living and beating model human heart muscles, an achievement which it's hoped will accelerate progress toward the ...


Researchers tackle major obstacle to stem-cell heart repair

Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle have engineered stem cells that do not generate dangerous arrhythmias, a complication that has to date thwarted efforts to develop stem-cell therapies ...


Progress with organoids: A mini-heart in a Petri dish

A team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has induced stem cells to emulate the development of the human heart. The result is a sort of "mini-heart" known as an organoid. It will permit the study of the earliest ...

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