
Time to take notice and tackle heart failure

Experts have sounded a call to action for policy makers at local, national, and international levels to promote heart failure prevention, improve heart failure awareness among healthcare professionals, ensure equity of care ...


How a health care plan quickly lowered infant mortality

Few problems in developing countries are as gut-wrenching as high infant mortality—and yet it is a problem that has solutions. A policy change in Thailand's health care system has quickly led to significantly lower infant ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

After the storms, a different opinion on climate change

Extreme weather may lead people to think more seriously about climate change, according to new research. In the wake of Hurricanes Irene and Sandy, New Jersey residents were more likely to show support for a politician running ...


Public funding spurs couples to seek fertility treatment

(HealthDay)—Public funding of assisted reproductive technology, including in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, broadens the range of couples who seek treatment for infertility by attracting a more diverse population, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Online or off, bullying proves harmful

Children who are bullied online or by mobile phone are just as likely to skip school or consider suicide as kids who are physically bullied, according to a study led by a Michigan State University criminologist.


Health must be central to climate change policies, say experts

Health must be taken into account in climate change mitigation strategies. It is not widely appreciated that there are many benefits to health that are likely to accrue from a low carbon economy, say experts in a special ...

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