Psychology & Psychiatry

Scaring smokers into stopping starts to pay dividends

Smokers once used to turn a blind eye to health warnings on cigarette packets. But now researchers at the University of Huddersfield have used eye-tracking technology to prove that new-style packs have shifted the focus so ...


How prejudice pushes low-income people onto an unhealthy diet

As consumers become increasingly dissatisfied with conventional, large-scale food systems, they are seeking ways to reconnect with their food. For the wealthy, that translates into a turn toward what we call the "alternative ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Climate change may cloud Americans' mental health: report

(HealthDay)—As the Trump Administration moves to undo certain climate change policies, a leading group of U.S. psychologists has issued a report that says warming trends and related extreme weather events could wreak havoc ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Finally allowed 2nd child, older Chinese parents turn to IVF

China's decision to allow all married couples to have two children is driving a surge in demand for fertility treatment among older women, putting heavy pressure on clinics and breaking down past sensitivities, and even shame, ...

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