
Q and A: Advances in screening for colon cancer

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: A friend of mine passed away recently after receiving a colon cancer diagnosis. Who is at risk for this cancer, and should I be screened?


AI trained to detect hard to spot cancerous lesions in colon

An artificial intelligence (AI) tool, developed by scientists at UCL, UCLH and UCL-spinout Odin Vision, has been further refined to identify hard to spot "flat" polyps, that—when left untreated—can become highly aggressive ...

Oncology & Cancer

Q and A: Polyps are possible culprits in colon cancer

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm 46 and had my first colonoscopy last month. The doctor said everything looked good, although he removed a few polyps. Can you explain what a colon polyp is and if should I be concerned?

Oncology & Cancer

Gut bacteria might be an indicator of colon cancer risk

A study published today in the journal Cell Host & Microbe reported that the increased presence of certain bacteria in a gut biome indicates a greater likelihood that colon polyps will become cancerous.

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