Oncology & Cancer

Scientists remind immune cells whose side they should be on

International group of scientists in the joint study of the laboratory of the Wistar Institute, University of Pittsburgh, and I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University discovered the change in activity of one of ...


Foods to lower your cholesterol count

(HealthDay)—It's not always possible to lower cholesterol through diet alone—sometimes there's no way to override your DNA, and medication becomes a must.


The skinny on fats

(HealthDay)—Even when you're trying to lose weight, you need some fat in your diet for good health. While fat in general has gotten a bad rap, some types of fat—particularly plant-based fats—are good for you in moderation.


High omega-6 levels can protect against premature death

Could omega-6 fatty acids protect you against premature death? The answer is yes, according to a new University of Eastern Finland study. While protecting against death, omega-6 fatty acids also keep cardiovascular diseases ...


Polyunsaturated fatty acids linked to reduced allergy risk

New research from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden reveals that high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in children's blood are associated with a reduced risk of asthma or rhinitis at the age of 16 years. The study is published ...

Medical research

Discovery challenges belief about brain's cellular makeup

A discovery made by Junhwan Kim, PhD, assistant professor at The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, is challenging science's longstanding beliefs regarding the cellular makeup of the brain. This breakthrough was outlined ...

Oncology & Cancer

Unique lipid profile could help diagnose and treat lung cancer

The lipid contents of a fluid that surrounds the lungs in some diseases contains specific fats that could be used as a biomarker to distinguish people with and without lung cancer. It can also identify a subtype of the cancer ...

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