Medical economics

Waiver war at WTO over Covid jab IP rights

The World Trade Organization faces calls led by India and South Africa to waive intellectual property rights for COVID-19 vaccines—a notion fiercely rejected by pharmaceutical giants and their host countries.


India to vaccinate over-60s from March 1

India plans to expand its vast but faltering coronavirus vaccination programme from March 1 by offering jabs to the over 60s, the government said Wednesday.


Vaccine giant says told to prioritise India

The world's biggest vaccine maker, India's Serum Institute, has urged other countries to be "patient" about it supplying anti-coronavirus shots, saying it has been instructed to prioritise its home market.


EU to double COVAX vaccine funding to 1 billion euros

The European Union's executive commission plans to double its contribution to the World Health Organization's COVAX program, bringing the 27-nation bloc's commitment to the initiative to deliver vaccines to poor nations to ...


WHO authorizes AstraZeneca's COVID vaccine for emergency use

The World Health Organization has granted an emergency authorization to AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine, a move that should allow the U.N. agency's partners to ship millions of doses to countries as part of a U.N.-backed ...

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