Overweight & Obesity

Teasing teens about weight may do lasting harm

(HealthDay)—Teens who are taunted about their weight may be more likely to become obese adults who struggle with poor body image, a new study finds.

Overweight & Obesity

Weight-based teasing has long-term impact

A new study from researchers at the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at the University of Connecticut and the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota shows that weight-based teasing in adolescence predicts ...


Philippines to offer free contraceptives to poor

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered government agencies to ensure free access to contraceptives for 6 million women who cannot obtain them, officials said Wednesday, in a move expected to be opposed by the dominant ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Poverty influences children's early brain development

Poverty may have direct implications for important, early steps in the development of the brain, saddling children of low-income families with slower rates of growth in two key brain structures, according to researchers from ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pain of poverty sticks, despite support of neighbors or spouses

Being married or having the support of neighbors to rely on does little to alleviate the symptoms of depression associated with economic hardship often experienced by poor mothers. With these findings, published in Springer's ...


Austerity programs hurt children, say scholars

(Medical Xpress)—Austerity programs in several countries in North America and Europe are resulting in cuts to services for poor families that will have lasting impacts on children's health and well-being, warns Paul Wise, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study uncovers cost of resiliency in kids

Children living in poverty who appear to succeed socially may be failing biologically. Students able to overcome the stress of growing up poor are labeled "resilient" because of their ability to overcome adversity, but University ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Pakistan child measles deaths surge in 2012

Measles cases surged in Pakistan in 2012 with hundreds of children dying of the disease, an international health body said Tuesday.

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