Psychology & Psychiatry

'Financial health' is good medicine in mental health care

Spend an afternoon doing mental health research with Annie Harper, Ph.D. and you might find yourself checking out the prices at a local rent-to-own store, helping a client pull his credit report, or listening as Harper speaks ...


Alcohol drinking in the elderly: Risks and benefits

The Royal College of Psychiatrists of London has published a report related primarily to problems of unrecognized alcohol misuse among the elderly. The report provides guidelines for psychiatrists and family physicians on ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anxiodepressive disorders: Much more than a matter of weight

Obese people run a higher-than-average risk of depression or anxiety, the result of a combination of factors: poor diet, lack of physical activity and an accumulation of fat cells called visceral adipocytes. However, obesity ...


Poor eyesight unfairly mistaken for brain decline

Millions of older people with poor vision are at risk of being misdiagnosed with mild cognitive impairments, according to a new study by the University of South Australia.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why brain science won't cure poverty

Recently I've seen news reports with headlines like this one: "Can Brain Science Help Lift People Out Of Poverty?"

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