Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

WHO to share vaccines to stop monkeypox amid inequity fears

The World Health Organization said it's creating a new vaccine-sharing mechanism to stop the outbreak of monkeypox in more than 30 countries beyond Africa. The move could result in the U.N. health agency distributing scarce ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

World remains unprepared to face new pandemics: panel

Global reform efforts to better ward off new pandemic threats have been slow and fragmented, leaving the world as unprepared as when COVID-19 first surfaced, a report warned Wednesday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

WHO: 2nd COVID booster for most vulnerable offers benefits

An expert group convened by the World Health Organization says there may be some benefit in giving a second booster dose of coronavirus vaccine to the most vulnerable people amid the continuing global spread of omicron and ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

WHO: COVID-19 falling everywhere, except Americas and Africa

The number of new coronavirus cases reported worldwide has continued to fall except in the Americas and Africa, the World Health Organization said in its latest assessment of the pandemic.


WHO calls on Pfizer to make its COVID pill more available

The head of the World Health Organization called on Pfizer to make its COVID-19 treatment more widely available in poorer countries, saying Tuesday that the pharmaceutical company's deal allowing generic producers to make ...


Novavax asks EU regulator to clear COVID vaccine for teens

The pharmaceutical developer Novavax says it has asked the European Medicines Agency to extend the authorization of its coronavirus vaccine to children aged 12 to 17 amid a surge of disease across the continent.

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