Radiology & Imaging

Spinal fractures in the elderly are preventable with simple X-rays

Among older people, vertebral compression fractures are very common, and those with such fractures are at high risk of incurring new ones. Findings in a new thesis from the University of Gothenburg indicate that a simple ...


New light on association between diabetes and heart valve disease

Individuals with diabetes display a substantially increased risk of disease in left-sided heart valves compared to controls without diabetes, a comprehensive register study at the University of Gothenburg shows. The statistical ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Vaccines may lessen long COVID for some, but more study is needed

Vaccination after infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, is associated with a decrease in the likelihood of long COVID symptoms, finds a large study of U.K. adults published today by the BMJ .


Food scientists create zinc index for human body

Zinc deficiency is prevalent around the world, and among children, these mineral shortfalls can lead to stunting, embryonic malformations and neurobehavioral abnormalities. Over several decades, science has improved understanding ...

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