Oncology & Cancer

Multi-cancer blood test shows real promise in trial

An NHS trial of a new blood test for more than 50 types of cancer correctly revealed two out of every three cancers in more than 5,000 people who had visited their GP with suspected symptoms, in England or Wales. The test ...


New app helps children with 'lazy eye' visual impairment

Eye specialists, mathematicians and games designers at the University of Southampton have teamed up to develop and launch a smartphone app aimed at helping improve vital treatment for children with amblyopia, a common visual ...


Your thoughts can harm your neck and back during lifting tasks

The mental distress of cognitive dissonance—encountering information that conflicts with how we act or what we believe—can lead to added pressure on the neck and low back during lifting and lowering tasks, new research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Words matter: How researchers can avoid stigmatizing language

Word choice matters—a lot— when it comes to research. That's the main takeaway from a new article co-authored by Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation Assistant Professor Angel Algarin and published in Health ...

Medical research

Q&A: A potential new weapon in the war against superbugs

For nearly 25 years, Dr. James Kirby has worked to advance the fight against infectious diseases by finding and developing new, potent antimicrobials, and by better understanding how disease-causing bacteria make us sick. ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New guidance on manual prone positioning for patients with ARDS

A newly released practice alert from the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) aims to standardize how nurses care for patients undergoing prone positioning therapy for extended periods of time.

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