Medical research

Reward and punishment take similar paths in the mouse brain

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) scientists have discovered neurons in the mouse brain that help an animal learn to avoid negative experiences. The cells reside in a part of the brain involved in regulating the motivations ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Smiling can trick your mind into being more positive, study finds

From Sinatra to Katy Perry, celebrities have long sung about the power of a smile—how it picks you up, changes your outlook, and generally makes you feel better. But is it all smoke and mirrors, or is there a scientific ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The downside of feeling prepared: Unearned confidence in other areas

Feeling prepared and confident about a job interview you have tomorrow is great. But a new study suggests that you may bring that sense of confidence into other parts of your life for which you might not be nearly so prepared.

Medical research

Newly discovered memory process influences decision-making

Learned connections between stimuli and reward—like the positive emotions associated with popular brands—have a powerful influence over our future decisions. Scientists have started to discover why.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Heat takes its toll on mental health

Hot days increase the probability that an average adult in the U.S. will report bad mental health, according to a study published March 25, 2020 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Mengyao Li of the University of Georgia, ...

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