Psychology & Psychiatry

What triggers nostalgia? Feelings of unhappiness, study finds

For years, research has shown that nostalgia is a primarily positive emotion that can lift people's spirits. But USC Dornsife psychologists have found the opposite may be true. Just like in Bruce Springsteen's nostalgic song ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why holding a grudge is bad for your health

(HealthDay)—It's surprisingly easy to hold a grudge, but whether it involves a friend, a co-worker or a loved one, it can fill you with bitterness, keep you stuck in the past and even lead to anxiety or depression.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The happiest mode of transportation? That would be cycling.

When it comes to a daily commute, what makes a person happier? That's the question a University of Minnesota researcher asked as she sought to better understand the connections between daily travel behavior and emotional ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Does the KonMari method work for clinical hoarders?

Australia is the sixth-largest contributor of household waste per capita in the world. We spend more than $A10.5 billion annually on goods and services that are never or rarely used.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Exercise can fast-track your workplace well-being – here's how

Exercise has been found to reduce stress, increase positive mood, decrease anxiety and alleviate depression. But you may not know that the emotional well-being associated with exercise is also linked to key attributes that ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Want to be happier? Try getting to know yourself

The unexamined life is not worth living, wrote the Greek philosopher Socrates. He was reflecting on the expression "Know Thyself" – an aphorism inscribed on the temple of Apollo at Delphi and one of the ultimate achievements ...

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