Psychology & Psychiatry

Oxytocin enhances spirituality, new study says

Oxytocin has been dubbed the "love hormone" for its role promoting social bonding, altruism and more. Now new research from Duke University suggests the hormone may also support spirituality.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Good attitudes about aging help seniors handle stress

New research from North Carolina State University finds that having a positive attitude about aging makes older adults more resilient when faced with stressful situations.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using the power of song to resist smoking

Listening to a song could hold the key to helping smokers resist the temptation, according to QUT psychology researcher Kristi Greig, who is embarking on a study to convey a health message through music and lyrics.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Comfort food leads to 'Kummerspeck'

People who overeat when they are depressed should be treated differently than those who lose their appetite. And eating while happy does not lead to weight gain.

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