Psychology & Psychiatry

Twitter can predict rates of coronary heart disease, research says

Twitter has broken news stories, launched and ended careers, started social movements and toppled governments, all by being an easy, direct and immediate way for people to share what's on their minds. Researchers from the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why 'I'm so happy I could cry' makes sense

The phrase "tears of joy" never made much sense to Yale psychologist Oriana Aragon. But after conducting a series of studies of such seemingly incongruous expressions, she now understands better why people cry when they are ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research proves physical, psychological power of love

New Western-led research says pausing to think about your romantic partner generates 'good stress' and adds an energy boost to your day. The study, Energized by love: Thinking about romantic relationships increases positive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anorexia fueled by pride about weight loss

Positive emotions – even those viewed through a distorted lens – may play an exacerbating role in fueling eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, which has a death rate 12 times higher for females between the ages of ...


Brain's dynamic duel underlies win-win choices

People choosing between two or more equally positive outcomes experience paradoxical feelings of pleasure and anxiety, feelings associated with activity in different regions of the brain, according to research led by Amitai ...


New hope for chronic pain sufferers

A new study by a University of Reading researcher has found that painful areas on our body can be controlled through the power of positive thinking.

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