
Dietary changes may help treat pulmonary hypertension

Blood vessels in the lungs aren't like the others in the body. This difference becomes clear in pulmonary hypertension, in which only the lungs' blood vessels stiffen progressively, leading to chronic lung disease, heart ...

Inflammatory disorders

PET scans uncover smoldering inflammation in MS patients

A new study from Brigham and Women's Hospital suggests that positron emission tomography (PET) brain scans could reveal hidden inflammation in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) who are being treated with highly-effective ...

Oncology & Cancer

New AI model detects 90% of lymphatic cancer cases

Medical image analysis using AI has developed rapidly in recent years. Now, one of the largest studies to date has been carried out using AI-assisted image analysis of lymphoma, cancer of the lymphatic system. Researchers ...


Q&A: Researcher discusses tau and its role in Alzheimer's

The effects of Alzheimer's disease are devastating: not being able to recognize loved ones, losing precious memories, losing the ability to perform simple tasks, suffering through mood swings, and so on. Not only are memory ...

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