Psychology & Psychiatry

A shot of cortisone stops traumatic stress

As soldiers return home from tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, America must cope with the toll that war takes on mental health. But the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is becoming increasingly expensive, and ...

Medical research

Worms may shed light on human ability to handle chronic stress

New research at Rutgers University may help shed light on how and why nervous system changes occur and what causes some people to suffer from life-threatening anxiety disorders while others are better able to cope.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Controlling fear by modifying DNA

(Medical Xpress)—For many people, fear of flying or of spiders skittering across the lounge room floor is more than just a momentary increase in heart rate and a pair of sweaty palms.


Researchers find genetic link to PTSD

(Medical Xpress) -- A team of Swiss and German researchers has found that a certain gene allele can be linked to increased emotional memory retention and because of that appears to be a factor in people who suffer from post ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mental health workers: The overlooked victims of 9/11

We've all heard about the stress experienced by victims of 9/11, but have we ever paused to think about the effect of those terrorist attacks on mental health clinicians who provided care to the victims? A new study by Mary ...

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