Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study: Computers can be a real pain in the neck

It's a posture so common we almost don't notice it anymore: someone sitting at a computer jutting his or her head forward to look more closely at the screen. But this seemingly harmless position compresses the neck and can ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Math + good posture = better scores

If you've ever felt like a deer in the headlights before taking a math test or speaking before a large group of people, you could benefit from a simple change in posture. As part of a new study by researchers at San Francisco ...


Kneeling posture impacts chest compressions' effectiveness

(HealthDay)—During cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) performed by males, self-adjusted and nearest kneeling postures are more effective for chest compression, with lower perceived exertion, according to a study published ...


This school year, put posture to the test

We often hear about how technology has impacted younger generations, and with the increased time spent on phones and computers, playing video games and watching television, it is their posture that is increasingly suffering. ...


Posture pointers for computer jockeys

(HealthDay)—Do you spend most of your day sitting at a computer? Being hunched over your keyboard for long periods can put stress and strain on your whole body.


How yoga makes us happy, according to science

Can we really unlock our personal power by adopting "powerful" body postures? Unfortunately, the findings that link these so-called "power poses" beloved of certain politicians with a real sense of power and control are difficult ...

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