Psychology & Psychiatry

Want a second date? 'Welcoming' body language may be key

(HealthDay)—Sit up straight to get a date? That's the message of a new study that suggests good posture and welcoming body language boost the odds of a romantic spark in online or speed dating.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Your mother was right: Study shows good posture makes you tougher

Mothers have been telling their children to stop slouching for ages. It turns out that mom was onto something and that poor posture not only makes a bad impression, but can actually make you physically weaker. According ...


How to protect your knees and other crucial joints

A tweaked back, a crick in your neck—aches and pains may seem like part of life. But they don't have to be. Whether you're a weekend warrior or working from home, here are eight tips to keep your joints healthy and happy.


Q and A: Proper posture and body alignment

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My grandmother lives with me, and she is always nagging me to "stand up straight" and "put your shoulders back." She says good posture will keep me healthy as I age. But I'm only 17. Does it really matter ...

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