
Pro-marijuana 'tweets' are sky-high on Twitter

Analyzing every marijuana-related Twitter message sent during a one-month period in early 2014, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that the "Twitterverse" is a pot-friendly place. ...


Cannabis poisonings in children predicted to rise

Now that cannabis is legal, children face a higher risk of intentional and unintentional poisoning from edibles, according to Andrew Dixon, an emergency pediatrician and professor at the University of Alberta.


Pharmacies in Uruguay to start selling pot next week

Uruguay will allow pharmacies to sell marijuana starting next Wednesday, in the final phase of a law making the small South American country the first in the world to legalize and regulate pot from production to sale.


Uruguay to track pot by genetic markers

Uruguay's drug czar says every legal marijuana plant in Uruguay will be registered and tracked using radio frequency tags, and that state-grown marijuana will be cloned to include genetic markers, making sure that what's ...

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