Medical research

High-fat diets may spur overeating, mouse study suggests

(HealthDay)—Many people who have tried to give up fatty foods in favor of healthier choices have found themselves obsessing over cookies or chips. Choosing a salad over a cheeseburger can feel like a Herculean act of will.


Common habits that harm your teeth

Are you wrecking your teeth without even knowing it? For instance, chewing on ice or opening stuff with your teeth may be convenient but using your teeth as tools can cause them to crack or chip.


US will investigate added caffeine in foods (Update)

Looking for a new way to get that jolt of caffeine energy? Food companies are betting snacks like potato chips, jelly beans and gum with a caffeinated kick could be just the answer.


'Healthier hormones' through diet and exercise

Weight loss—by dietary changes alone or combined with physical exercise—has a positive impact on the production of adipose tissue hormones: Adipose tissue produces less leptin but, instead, more adiponectin, which counteracts ...

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