
Myths about Thanksgiving and nutrition debunked

The feast that officially kicks off the holiday season is almost here. Thanksgiving is steeped in the comfort and familiarity of traditional foods—turkey and gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce—as well as a few time-worn ...


Five surprising ways plants can keep you healthy

Plants can hurt us (we see you, poison oak), but they can also heal. Many of modern medicine's powerful drugs, like aspirin, trace their roots back to leaves, bark and flowers.


Quinn on Nutrition: Put on your best face

I didn't like being called "freckle face" when I was a kid. So when my mom took me to the pediatrician for a routine check up, I asked him if he could make my freckles go away. He kindly told me he could, "but you will never ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Perceiving the flavor of fat: A Monell Center twins study

Most people would agree that the pleasure of some foods stems in part from its fat content. New research, led by the Monell Chemical Senses Center, has now found that liking of fatty food is more complex than its fat content ...

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