
Don't be fooled by foods that sound healthy but aren't

You probably already realize that adding zucchini or carrots to a cake won't magically make it low calorie or healthy. But you might not realize that there are many foods that sound healthy but really aren't.


Quinn on Nutrition: Put on your best face

I didn't like being called "freckle face" when I was a kid. So when my mom took me to the pediatrician for a routine check up, I asked him if he could make my freckles go away. He kindly told me he could, "but you will never ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Feds: Old potato behind Utah prison-brew botulism

(AP)—The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says a weeks-old baked potato was the source of a botulism outbreak at a Utah prison where inmates consumed cell-brewed alcohol.


Plugged in but powered down

It's not news that being a couch potato is bad for your health. Lack of physical activity is associated with a range of diseases from diabetes to heart attacks. It now turns out that young men who have experienced depression ...


Sound is important sensory factor to food enjoyment

The sound a food makes when it's consumed is one of the most important sensory factors that influence whether a consumer will enjoy it or not. In the December issue of Food Technology magazine published by the Institute of ...

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