Oncology & Cancer

Antibiotics may help to treat melanoma

Some antibiotics appear to be effective against a form of skin cancer known as melanoma. Researchers at KU Leuven, Belgium, examined the effect of these antibiotics on patient-derived tumors in mice. Their findings were published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Love: How the feeling of power determines happy relationships

Want to have a happy relationship? Make sure both partners feel they can decide on issues that are important to them. Objective power measured by income, for example, doesn't seem to play a big role, according to a new study ...

Oncology & Cancer

Spirituality can promote the health of breast cancer survivors

Throughout her 20-year career as a nurse practitioner, Jennifer Hulett noticed survivors of breast cancer would often express gratitude for being alive and mention God or a divine acknowledgement that had improved their health ...

Oncology & Cancer

How to shut down the power stations of cancer cells

An emerging nanomedicine cancer treatment involving the injection of tiny nanoparticles carrying compounds that can poison cancerous cells has many benefits. This so-called photodynamic therapy (PDT) is non-toxic and it doesn't ...

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