Medical research

Do elite athletes have an anti-aging secret in their muscles?

Elite runners do not experience the muscle weakening associated with aging as non-athletes do. A new study published in American Journal of Physiology—Cell Physiology examines if their superb fitness is because their muscles ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Leg muscle power predicts pain, quality of life in knee OA

(HealthDay)—For patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA), leg muscle power independently predicts pain and health-related quality of life, according to a study published in the December issue of Arthritis & Rheumatology.


Can you think yourself into a different person?

For years she had tried to be the perfect wife and mother but now, divorced, with two sons, having gone through another break-up and in despair about her future, she felt as if she'd failed at it all, and she was tired of ...


Beet juice boosts muscle power in heart patients

Scientists have evidence that Popeye was right: Spinach makes you stronger. But it's the high nitrate content in the leafy greens—not the iron—that creates the effect.

Autism spectrum disorders

Transforming behavioral therapy with technology

From iPods to cell phone networks, power generation to GPS systems, electrical and computer engineers are producing the technologies we depend on every day. But one electrical engineer, a second-year doctoral student at the ...

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