Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Certain blood pressure drugs slow dementia deterioration

A class of drug, called ACE inhibitors, which are used to lower blood pressure, slow the rate of cognitive decline typical of dementia, suggests research published in the online journal BMJ Open.


Irregular bed times curb young kids' brain power

Going to bed at different times every night throughout early childhood seems to curb children's brain power, finds a large, long term study published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Nuff said: Humans get the gist of complex sounds

New research by neuroscientists at UC Berkeley, suggests that the human brain is not detail-oriented, but opts for the big picture when it comes to hearing.


Neuroscience to benefit from hybrid supercomputer memory

Motivated by extraordinary requirements for neuroscience, IBM Research, EPFL, and ETH Zürich through the Swiss National Supercomputing Center CSCS, are exploring how to combine different types of memory – DRAM, which is ...


Rare mitochondrial mutations—maybe not so rare?

French scientists have discovered that supposedly rare mutations in the mitochondria, the 'power plants' of human cells responsible for creating energy, account for more than 7% of patients with a mitochondrial disease manifesting ...


Hundreds die from extreme heat each summer, CDC warns

(HealthDay)—It's only early June, but already soaring temperatures have hit some parts of the United States. So government health officials are reminding the public that while hundreds die from heat exposure each summer, ...


If you can remember it, you can remember it wrong

(Medical Xpress)—Native peoples in regions where cameras are uncommon sometimes react with caution when their picture is taken. The fear that something must have been stolen from them to create the photo is often inescapable. ...

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