Oncology & Cancer

Study prompts new ideas on cancers' origins

Rapidly dividing, yet aberrant stem cells are a major source of cancer. But a new study suggests that mature cells also play a key role in initiating cancer—a finding that could upend the way scientists think about the ...


New topical immunotherapy effective against early skin cancer

A combination of two topical drugs that have been in use for years triggers a robust immune response against precancerous skin lesions, according to a new study. The research, from Washington University School of Medicine ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study tracks evolutionary transition to destructive cancer

Evolution describes how all living forms cope with challenges in their environment, as they struggle to persevere against formidable odds. Mutation and selective pressure—cornerstones of Darwin's theory—are the means ...

Medical research

Multiphoton endoscope could minimize biopsies

(Medical Xpress) -- From precancerous lesions in the bladder to polyps in the colon, pathologists are constantly examining tissue biopsies for diagnoses. Researchers at Cornell are pushing the limits of the well-established ...

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