Oncology & Cancer

Study tracks evolutionary transition to destructive cancer

Evolution describes how all living forms cope with challenges in their environment, as they struggle to persevere against formidable odds. Mutation and selective pressure—cornerstones of Darwin's theory—are the means ...

Oncology & Cancer

Gene linked to pancreatic cancer growth, study finds

A mutant protein found in nearly all pancreatic cancers plays a role not only in the cancer's development but in its continued growth, according to a new study from University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study: Colonoscopy cuts colon cancer death risk

(AP) -- Millions of people have endured a colonoscopy, believing the dreaded exam may help keep them from dying of colon cancer. For the first time, a major study offers clear evidence that it does.

Oncology & Cancer

Too many americans skipping colon cancer screening

(HealthDay) -- Approximately one in three U.S. adults between the ages of 50 and 75 who should be screened for colorectal cancer have not been, according to the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.

Medical research

Multiphoton endoscope could minimize biopsies

(Medical Xpress) -- From precancerous lesions in the bladder to polyps in the colon, pathologists are constantly examining tissue biopsies for diagnoses. Researchers at Cornell are pushing the limits of the well-established ...


Liver tumors found in mice exposed to BPA

In one of the first studies to show a significant association between BPA and cancer development, University of Michigan School of Public Health researchers have found liver tumors in mice exposed to the chemical via their ...

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