Medical research

Researcher calls for one-person trials for personalized medicine

"All things are poison, and nothing is without poison, the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison." These were the words of Paracelsus, a Swiss physician who recognized back in the 16th century that every medicine ...


A better diagnosis of rare diabetes to adapt treatment

Diabetes affects more than 400 million people worldwide and is a major public health problem. Although commonly referred to as a single disease, it actually constitutes a group of metabolic disorders with hyperglycaemia as ...

Medical research

Antibody technologies take a step closer to precision medicine

The search for better cancer treatments continues, as current options often cause severe side effects. Less than 5% of experimental anticancer drugs are approved for use in humans, but scientists are bringing new technologies ...

Oncology & Cancer

Turning 'junk' DNA into gold

Mining the rich uncharted territory of the genome or genetic material of a cancer cell has yielded gold for Princess Margaret scientists: new protein targets for drug development against prostate cancer.


Startup enabling precision medicine for mental health, pain

A new startup company founded on science developed at Indiana University is working to enable precision medicine by commercializing the first objective tests for mental health issues, including suicide risk, post-traumatic ...

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