
Should we play hide-and-go-seek with our children's vegetables?

Pass the peas please! How often do we hear our children say this? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System survey of adolescents, only 21% of our children eat the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Language may be dominant social marker for young children

Children's reasoning about language and race can take unexpected turns, according to University of Chicago researchers, who found that for younger white children in particular, language can loom larger than race in defining ...


US Medicaid drug lists cost more, deliver less

The U.S. Medicaid program is likely paying far more than necessary for medications and not offering patients the most effective ones available, by ignoring international evidence-based lists of safe and effective medications, ...


On nutrition: Eating for your genes

In response to a recent column where I mentioned how genetic research is beginning to show us how our DNA may influence our dietary needs, reader Ann F sent me a slew of questions:

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Returning to life without masks in Chicago

Now that Chicago and Illinois no longer require masks in many places, you may be wondering how to re-enter the world again.


Q&A: Skin protection with excessive hand-washing, masking

Dear Mayo Clinic: Frequent hand-washing and cleaning during the COVID-19 pandemic has made my hands so dry that my skin in cracking. With recommendations for everyone to now wear a face mask while in public, I'm concerned ...

Oncology & Cancer

Lung cancer treatments vary among the Asian communities

A study from the University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, sought to examine possible health disparities in the treatment of lung cancer within the Asian community in the U.S. In this study, rates of recommended ...


Opinion: Junk food ads aimed at children should be banned

"The World Medical Association have called for junk food advertising to be banned during all TV programmes that are appealing to children. I strongly support this, and believe that the evidence base warrants further regulatory ...

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